Sunday 2 August 2009

5 Ways To Improve Your At Home Business Marketing And Attract More Prospects

business marketing
One of the vital aspects of growing a home business is marketing. Too many overlook this and the truth is, if you are not promoting, you're dead in the water.

Network marketers need a steady flow of prospects to survive and finding an at home business marketing solution is key to their survival. It doesn't need to be complicated. The best and most cost effective way of promoting is article marketing.

Articles are priceless as a promotion tool for your business. Did you know unlike a paid campaign which ends once you stop paying articles continue marketing for you long after you've written them. We call them our own team of salesmen which keep flying the banner for us years after being published.

If you think you cannot write then think again. In this article, we outline some writing tips to help boost your at home business marketing efforts.

1. Create a steady and consistent schedule. Unless you are producing a consistent stream of content promoting your business then you'll get haphazard results. We suggest you produce at least ten articles a month for your net work marketing business.

2. Make a commitment to write on one or two particular days a week. Writing ten articles a month is not a massive task. It's just over two per week. Make one day a week your writing day. If you produce ten pieces a month then that will give you 120 articles for the year all doing one thing, promoting you and your MLM business.

3. Set yourself a challenge each time you sit down to write. That is, to create some urgency, give yourself a set amount of time to write the article. For example, if you think you can produce it in 30 minutes then challenge yourself to create it in that time. It's amazing how efficient your brain becomes when it is given a time and end goal to meet.

4. Create a list of topics ahead of time you're going to write about. That is, produce a list of keywords around your business. When you've done this, then come up with at least two secondary keywords for each main word. Knowing what you're going to write about ahead of time simply cuts out any chance of wasting time and procrastination.

5. Organize someone to become you're accountability mentor. This is a great process and will have a big impact on your at home business marketing efforts. It works simply by stating your goals for any given day or month to someone and then checking in with them to declare your work. Your accountability partner needs to be someone you don't like letting down; even someone you fear a little as this can really kick your urgency mode into high gear.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article! I will pass it on to some of my clients and friends working in MLM and distribution of products. I can confirm that doing things on a regular bases is what brings long term results.

    Ernest John Fleckenstein
    FIBD GmbH, Switzerland
